


Aaron and Pauline Schaitel
"...but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.  And they that understand among the people shall instruct many..."
Daniel 11:32-33
Rev Aaron Schaitel has been a member of The Apostolic Life Church for 26 years. Aaron received the baptism of the Holy Ghost and was baptized in Jesus Name at the age of 8. By the inspiration of his Sunday School teachers, he continued to challenge himself by living and learning the scriptures. Throughout high school, Aaron involved himself in the youth group, taught Bible Studies to his friends, and witnessed some of them being filled with the baptism of The Holy Ghost in youth services. 
He continued Post High School education at Luther College in Decorah, Iowa, until God redirected him back to the Coulee Region to become involved in youth ministry at the Apostolic Life Church. He finished his bachelors of science in Math Education at Viterbo college and now teaches High School Math at Melrose-Mindoro High School.
Currently, he is the Outreach director at the Apostolic Life Church and is leading outreach group into the community. He also uses his God-given talents of teaching, preaching, witnessing, and proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ to impact young people. When he has free time during church, you will find him in the altar praying with people who are hurting; also, if you need the Holy Ghost he is ready and willing to pray with you. His desire is to help young people facing difficult situations with the love of Jesus Christ.
"I want to teach others to fish so they can be fed for a lifetime, instead of feeding them fish for only a day. I want to fulfill Daniel 11:32-33 in other's lives as well as my own."

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