Missions Prayer Focus:
Each month we focus on a particular region to learn about not only historically and geographically but also what is currently happening in that part of the world. We take the 196 countries of our world and put them into 16 geographic regions. We focus on the physical and spiritual struggles and have specific prayer points for that region. Through unified prayer our hope is to bring about a better awareness for the needs around the world.
Apostolic Life Church supports
H.O.M.E. International of Guatemala
What is H.O.M.E.?
Homes. We strive to provide a safe haven. Ultimately, our current campus in Guatemala will provide a home for up to 100 children. Our future plans include building similar campuses in other countries.
Orphans. Our primary goal is to offer hope to the hopeless. Whether true orphans or social orphans, too many children in our world do not have the love of a family, shelter, or food. With your help, we will change that for as many children as possible.
Ministry. We believe that making the world a better place is not only obtained through humanitarian efforts but through building relationships with God. Our board members have traveled worldwide constructing churches through other organizations and have seen the joy that showing God’s love can bring to a community. We pray that every child we work with will dedicate their life to Christ and find the peace that passes their circumstances in Him.
Education. One of our highest objectives is equipping for the future. Whether promoting solid scholastic learning, educating in agriculture and construction, or other skills H.O.M.E International is dedicated to providing the best opportunities for children in our care to develop the skills needed to be self sufficient adults.
We are currently promoting support during the Ukrainian war through Compassion Services International.
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